The Private and Secure way to pay for products and services on line!
Refund PolicyEach product / service sold by a vendor using to process payments has it's own refund policy. These are posted on the order form of the product / service you are ordering. In general: Each vendor has their own refund policy so we ask that you first contact your vendor and request a resolution. Please copy us on your email to them If you don't get a resolution we will work with you on your behalf to help resolve the issue. Don't file a dispute with your payment card. If you do you will find your self blacklisted in making purchases online through Web-Tokens and other online payment processing networks. Forgot what you purchase? You see on your payment card statement a transaction with but can't recall what the transaction was for? We can help. Contact us with the date of the transaction and the last 4 digits of the payment card use along with your name and we will provide you details of the transaction. You can email this information to Billing questions email us at * or text us at 657-464-7183 If you are not satisfied with any of the services obtained please email us * or by phone at 657-464-7183 (you may text us at this number). We will work to gain your satisfaction. * Due to time zones and work schedules we can provide faster service to your needs via email rather than a voice call. But your welcome to use either method to contact us. Your complete satisfaction is our goal.